Friday, September 28, 2012
Six Word Memoir #6
This one is not overly complicated it describes my enjoyment of Wikipedia and how much I rely on it to get general information, especially photos. What it lacks in specific accuracy it makes for in volume of information.This information is usually accurate and is descent for general fact finding. Wikipedia is also useful for finding formula's and equations to bizarre mathematics problems. For example, the formula for tractive force effort on a locomotive. The use of emergency vehicles describes the fact the Wikipedia with its essentially limitless stores of information can get one out of many jams that you can find yourself in. It is the 911 of information.
Six Word Memoir #5
I chose to do this one because it is the reason I didn't really like art class in middle school and had no desire to take it in high school.To be forced to do anything creative under a deadline for me creates a problem by which either the work is completed comparatively poorly or in-complete with what is complete being really well done. The picture is a dramatization of my reaction when ever I am told that time is almost up on an assignment and I haven't even started with finishing touches.
Six Word Memoir #4
This little bit of personnel experience is meant as a rebuttal to those wide eyed optimists who stubbornly and irritatingly cling to the saying that there is no such thing as impossible. Well...there is such thing as impossible. It's called going faster than light time travelling to the past bringing some one back from the dead as the person they were and anti- gravity are all scientific not going to happens. At least not with existing energy sources. This rather pessimistic view is brought about by personnel experience.
Six Word Memoir #3
This is a saying I use a lot and it does well and truly hold up. History is never truly an accurate picture for the reasons of evidence and point of view. Evidence, do to the fact, that new evidence comes to light all the time rewriting the evidence already perceived to be well understood. Perception, because people today have the benefit of hindsight. It is for those reasons that history is not a true analogy of the past. The odd spelling of the word history is an analogy to this....if history can't be accurate than why should the spelling of the word be accurate. The choice of a text book as a representation of history is meant to represent the understanding of history. Unfortunately, anything published in a text book may already be obsolete.
Six Word Memoir #2
The six word memoir presented here represents a more enjoyable set of memories and is quite literally true. when I'm tired there is almost no joke that isn't funny or at least deserving of a snicker. In case you couldn't tell by the clarity of the image the comedian on stage is saying" Squirrel"!!! A word that is so strange that one can't help but find it a little funny especially at 3:30 in the morning.
Six Word Memior #1
This memoir was by far the easiest to come up with. It is completely self explanatory and pays tribute to my obsession with aviation and my determination to fly.The reason for re-writing the memoir when I already included it in the drawing is to make it legible. I kept it in black and white to symbolize the fact that the ultimate goal of that obsession is out of reach buried some where in the past.
Thursday, September 27, 2012
Go See This Movie
I have just four words to say. Go See This Movie!!!
To those three who haven't already seen it, it is easily one of the best animated movies of all time. i suspect it is even better in 3- D. To wrap it up, go see this movie in theaters, I know I will.
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Quote of the Week
A word to the wise ain't necessary- it's the stupid ones that need the advice.
Bill Cosby
No deep story line or explanation needed for this quote, I saw it, and I thought it was funny!!
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Trivia of the week #2
Which airplane and pilot was the first to fly non-stop across the Atlantic Ocean?
A.The Spirit of St. Louis with Charles Lindbergh as pilot.
B. The Lockheed Vega with Amelia Earhart as pilot.
C. The Vickers Vimy piloted by John Alcock and navigator Arthur Whitten Brown.
Monday, September 24, 2012
The correct answer to last weeks trivia is : B- the X-15. With a maximum recorded of over 4500 miles per hour the X-15 holds the record as the fastest manned airplane ever built. Compared to the Sr-71 Blackbird which set the record for the fastest jet airplane ever built at 2200 miles per hour and the MiG 25 at the fastest fighter interceptor ever built at 2170 miles per hour.
Writing Reflection #1
Six word Memoirs
To begin with I found the exercise of the six word memoir to be an all together less irritating affair then I originally thought. The exercise was almost fun at the end. My decision for leaving the classroom is the same reason why I always leave the classroom, I do not want to interrupt others, and it also allows me to pace. I initially found the exercise difficult because anything of value worth mentioning in my life tends to be negative and rather painful. I find writing memoirs or autobiographies a severe challenge.The trick that I eventually used was that of vagueness. Make the six word memoir as vague as possible while still keeping some reference to my life. Overall, I found it a good exercise helping one to try and go further on fewer words. Although, I still stick to the statement that " Unless the person's life is truly extraordinary a memoir or biography is rather unexciting and uninteresting."
I found the blogg to be fun! Since I started the blogg I decided to create a trivia piece, a good movie list, and a quote of the week.The nature of bloggs tends to create a jumbled image of a persons personality and thus says a lot about them.
I find the hardest part of writing a blogg is that I need to find new quotes and new trivia questions every week. This is especially challenging for quotes because I not only need to remember the quote but the author of it as well.
The most rewarding part of blogging to me is when people either put good comments or they try and answer the trivia questions. Unfortunately this really hasn't happened yet but I'm hopeful that it will.
My goal is to come up with one more weekly personnel addition and to keep up with the rest of them. I'm going to try my best and that is all I can do.....
To begin with I found the exercise of the six word memoir to be an all together less irritating affair then I originally thought. The exercise was almost fun at the end. My decision for leaving the classroom is the same reason why I always leave the classroom, I do not want to interrupt others, and it also allows me to pace. I initially found the exercise difficult because anything of value worth mentioning in my life tends to be negative and rather painful. I find writing memoirs or autobiographies a severe challenge.The trick that I eventually used was that of vagueness. Make the six word memoir as vague as possible while still keeping some reference to my life. Overall, I found it a good exercise helping one to try and go further on fewer words. Although, I still stick to the statement that " Unless the person's life is truly extraordinary a memoir or biography is rather unexciting and uninteresting."
I found the blogg to be fun! Since I started the blogg I decided to create a trivia piece, a good movie list, and a quote of the week.The nature of bloggs tends to create a jumbled image of a persons personality and thus says a lot about them.
I find the hardest part of writing a blogg is that I need to find new quotes and new trivia questions every week. This is especially challenging for quotes because I not only need to remember the quote but the author of it as well.
The most rewarding part of blogging to me is when people either put good comments or they try and answer the trivia questions. Unfortunately this really hasn't happened yet but I'm hopeful that it will.
My goal is to come up with one more weekly personnel addition and to keep up with the rest of them. I'm going to try my best and that is all I can do.....
Reading Reflection
Reading Reflection #3
Book: Everest
Author: Gordon Korman
Pages: 33-37
Last week I read chapter 5 of the book and to my surprise I found there was still more character introductions to be done.This time it was the turn of Perry Noonan. An interesting prediction I can make is that Perry will probably make the Everest team one way or another despite his personnel conviction that he will wash out. Another interesting development is that Noonan is by all accounts the groups designated smart one. This belief comes from the first page of the chapter in which Perry states " Never mind that Perry might have preferred to go to a hockey game with his uncle, or even take him on in a spirited chess match."(chess-was something Perry was good at.)" I made the comment when reading that because he doesn't think he was going to make it, then he most definitely will, this prediction is part based on the need for the quote unquote smart one as well as his general quiet demeanor and shy nature. He also claims to have vertigo making him more or less fearful and thus having a challenge to overcome.
Another interesting prediction that turned about to be a red herring was a scene in which Perry saw somebody in the snow storm. They were lurking around and decided to investigate. This was truly interesting for me the reader because in the previous chapters there was a reference to a vandal in the group and this might be that person. However, it turned out to be a red herring. The person turned out to be another climber Sammi Moon who was taking advantage of the conditions to toboggan down a hill and this was what he had seen. Even if she isn't the vandal there is still something suspicious about this. Who goes tobogganing at 2:30 in the morning, at a boot camp?
A final point of note in the chapter,was that 2 more characters washed out. These included their very own ray of sun stroke , a kid with the well deserved nick name of Happy. The other character was not named so I have to assume they were never introduced.
All in all I found this chapter to be quite informative and rather thought provoking. I can't wait to see what happens next.
Book: Everest
Author: Gordon Korman
Pages: 33-37
Last week I read chapter 5 of the book and to my surprise I found there was still more character introductions to be done.This time it was the turn of Perry Noonan. An interesting prediction I can make is that Perry will probably make the Everest team one way or another despite his personnel conviction that he will wash out. Another interesting development is that Noonan is by all accounts the groups designated smart one. This belief comes from the first page of the chapter in which Perry states " Never mind that Perry might have preferred to go to a hockey game with his uncle, or even take him on in a spirited chess match."(chess-was something Perry was good at.)" I made the comment when reading that because he doesn't think he was going to make it, then he most definitely will, this prediction is part based on the need for the quote unquote smart one as well as his general quiet demeanor and shy nature. He also claims to have vertigo making him more or less fearful and thus having a challenge to overcome.
Another interesting prediction that turned about to be a red herring was a scene in which Perry saw somebody in the snow storm. They were lurking around and decided to investigate. This was truly interesting for me the reader because in the previous chapters there was a reference to a vandal in the group and this might be that person. However, it turned out to be a red herring. The person turned out to be another climber Sammi Moon who was taking advantage of the conditions to toboggan down a hill and this was what he had seen. Even if she isn't the vandal there is still something suspicious about this. Who goes tobogganing at 2:30 in the morning, at a boot camp?
A final point of note in the chapter,was that 2 more characters washed out. These included their very own ray of sun stroke , a kid with the well deserved nick name of Happy. The other character was not named so I have to assume they were never introduced.
All in all I found this chapter to be quite informative and rather thought provoking. I can't wait to see what happens next.
Friday, September 21, 2012
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Starting now I have decided to include the quote of the week in my blog. I'm doing this because few things can be so funny, dramatic or heartwarming. they are usually the most memorable lines of television series, book, movie or comic and rightfully so.....
The quote of the week is...
" I reject your reality and substitute my own" Adam Savage.
I chose this quote because it is funny and makes no sense but at the same time it is very reminiscent of science fiction and sounds like some kind of bizarre paradox.The interesting thing about this is that the reason why Adam Savage stated this in episode of Myth Busters was because he had originally made predictions that account for the obvious and when he was commented on it he change his story. When commented on having changed his story he quote this line.
I chose to include this poster in my blog because Back to the Future 2 is the best sequel in movie history.I find no other sequel raises the stakes and expands the story quite like this one. The characters are brilliant the theme music is without comparison, the stakes are bigger and the plot generally more dramatic then the first one. Finally, the ending is so... unexpected as to make it brilliant!!!
Rambling Autobiography
I have always been and will always be proudly abnormal. I was born on the same day the Jets left, and 50 years to the day of the WW2 armistice. I am fascinated with history. I love flight. I was bullied in grade one. My sense of humor comes straight from Mash and 90's cartoons. My favorite kind of character is a dead pan snarker....I hate modern kid shows and I am appalled with the rapidly increasing number of tween sitcoms and reality shows. My favorite movie studio is Pixar. I love adventure stories. My Grand father took a Sunfire off-roading. I love my Grand mothers pancakes. My Grand mother has never lost a poker game that she has played with us.... I am a history buff and proud of it!!!
Created by Marc Cr. |
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
reading reflection
Reading Reflections 2
Book: Everest
Author: Gordon Korman
Pages read: 10-32
To begin with, I
have read two other complete series by Gordon Korman. They are called Island
and Dive. I have also started the series Kidnapped but have yet
to complete it. My favorite to date would have to be the series Dive. I
prefer this one because of the way the story is set up and how it becomes
clearer as the book goes along.
I have also
looked up the author in the past and found out that he wrote his first book for
a seventh grade English assignment. He had it published several years later.
The choice of publishing company came from the fact that Korman was in charge
of the Scholastic Book orders at the school and could not think of any other company
to send it to. Another interesting fact that I have learned is that since 1978
Gordan Korman has had over 75 books published totalling around 7 million books
Going into the
second, third, and fourth chapters, a characteristic that jumps out is the
level of wit in the characters including countless jokes and funny come backs.
An example of these would be when a character by the name of Cameron is
irritated by the expedition photographer trying to get him to say something
positive. His response…” I’m positive I’m going to throw up. “Another element
of wit to the plot is the Snow White dwarf nicknames. For example the Doctor is
called Doc, one of the climbers noted for always being in a jovial mood was nicknamed
Happy, and the expedition leader named Cicero was nick named Snow White because
he was described as the Unfairest of
them all.
There are also a
number of passages in the book that point out who the antagonist will be. The
characters nickname is Tilt. Since the characters introduction he has been acknowledged
as been quite lippy and not an easy person to deal with. Another point to note
about his abilities made him arrogant and he has apparently little regard for
his peers. During an incident in which the Everest hopefuls were forced to spend a night camping in a
blizzard Tilt repeatedly mocked and criticized Cicero’s plans and chewed out
another climber accusing him of being skilled only because of wealth. “You
should get him to buy you some talent,” the big boy taunted. “You climb like my
grandmother.” A prediction I can make about Tilt is he will at one time or
another try to sabotage the main character Dominic.
I find that in
the world of youth authors, nicknames seem to be a common trend. For example, in the
book “ Holes” everybody has a nickname, In "Dive" the French speaking assistant
in the expedition is called “English”. Don’t ask it’s a long story. And finally in the series “Island the first mate Mr. Radford
was given the easy nickname of Rat face. Finally in this book most of the
characters are given nicknames. “ Am I the only one that sees a trend here?"
My final remarks
on these chapters are that they conclude the introduction phase of the book and
we will be getting soon into the real meat of the story.
Marc Vallee
Thursday, September 13, 2012
Intro to Marc cr
The first post of my first blog soon to be joined by more throughout the semester is to me an odd occasion. So, without much delay I present to you the reader, my blog and all the insight it may bring.
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