Monday 1 October 2012

Writing Reflection # 2

Six word Memoirs Part 2

I personally found the six word memoir assignment to be both easier and harder then I expected at the same time. Easier where I expected it to be difficult and harder where I expected it to be easy., Overall the assignment was about the same level as I expected. A challenge and a bit of a head scratcher.

I found the creative period to be far easier then originally expected. I managed to get all the necessary six word memoirs I needed in under an hour. This made it by far the least painful part of the process. Only slightly more difficult was creating the drawings. More creative difficulty then drawing difficulty. The editing process for the pictures was a complete cake walk but from there everything went wrong. I found by far the most irritating part of the assignment to be getting the edited pictures onto the blogg. My thanks goes out to Mrs. Mclaughlin who finally figured it out. Overall the assignment was not more difficult then I imagined , I did wind up pulling my hair out but not at the thing I expected.

To reiterate what I stated last week I found this assignment a very good writing exercise. Although, I would not do this for fun. I have never been a fan of writing biographies of myself and this assignment has been no exception. As a writing exercise I found the assignment not only intriguing but informative. The technique of utilizing every word as if it were two is one I have yet to learn, but one I hope to learn. Another item that was investigated in the assignment was the technique of creative visuals. This technique is one that is important for me because one of the more important lessons I wish to get out of this class is to learn how to write creatively and effectively as well as finally break the straight jacket of logic that stifled my creativity for the last few years.

Overall I found the assignment not to be a waste of time which coming form me is the best compliment a biography piece can get...
Marc Vallee

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